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Adopt a Pig

Ironwood places pigs in adoptive homes. All prospective "parents" are screened. We want to be sure that these lovable creatures are a welcome part of the family.

Do you want to adopt a pig? Start with a trip to the Sanctuary!

The first step in adopting a pig (or even better, two pigs!) from the Ironwood Pig Sanctuary is to visit the sanctuary. You will receive an educational tour of the facilities, with advice and ideas along the way on fencing, shelter, shade, water and pig behavior. This visit gives you a chance to meet our pigs and see the variety of sizes, colors and personalities. When you have decided that you want to adopt a pig or two and maybe even picked out the ones you want, we will visit your home to advise on fencing, shade, shelter and water as well as how a pig or pigs will fit in with other animals in your household living space. Once everything is prepared and in place to provide a safe environment, you can pick up the pigs of your choice or we'll transport them to your home if needed. The adoption fee of $30 for males and $60 for females will cover worming and the spay/neuter surgery. We’re ready to help you provide a happy, healthy home for your new piggies!


Available Pigs

Please e-mail ( or call (520-579-8847) the Sanctuary to schedule a tour to see the pigs that are available at this time.